Monday, April 1, 2013

When and how can Cloud be applied to businesses?

The Problem

Everyday, sales personnel are required to submit their daily work schedule for their supervisor’s approval. It is very time consuming for them to conduct these administrative work. Because these documents are mostly in simple Word, Excel format that present facts instead of statistical analysis, hard to document, and lack of on- going conversation, it is indeed a waste of time and resources for sales departments to perform such tasks.

The Solution

Corporations today are starting to accept the idea of mobilizing business through Cloud, which means to combine sales activities with technological tools. Corporations will increase efficiency from exchanging calendar events, customer profile, work schedule, work diaries, inventory updates, price quotes and account receivables through the Cloud. Operating on the Cloud can reduce time, geographical restraints and provide instant access through the Internet.

Example: Working through the Cloud

Before an interior design company provides price quotation to its clients, they must go through the following processes, scout the scene, take photos, record findings, list materials, evaluate cost of refurnishing, meet suppliers, estimate cost, plan work schedule and estimated dates. These processes usually take a lot of back and forth confirmation. By operating through the Cloud, all these processes can be integrated into a “one- stop” procedure for everyone involved. Using automated reminders and interactive Gant Charts will allow relevant personnel to stay on top the tasks and keep track of the project. The Cloud can effectively decrease administrative operations, increase information flow and provided a boost to work distribution and project monitoring. So far, the Cloud is used to increase efficiency at an operating level, but in the future, we can expect the Cloud to reinvent the process flow of businesses through systematically linking each workstation.

In the next blog, i will introduce how small/ individual businesses can easily start operating on the Cloud. 

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